What are the biggest work place worries


What are the biggest work place worries.......... Well here they are - the top 15, with asking for a pay rise, using LinkedIn and calling in sick the biggest workplace concerns for employees.

The Top 15 Workplace Worries below, with the monthly Google searches, some of which surprised me:

✳ Asking for a raise ➖19,050 searches

✳ Using LinkedIn ➖ 9,000 searches

✳ Calling in sick ➖ 5,850 searches

✳ Writing a resignation letter ➖ 2,990 searches

 Increasing productivity ➖ 2,020 searches

✳ Staying focused ➖ 1,500 searches

✳ Slouching ➖ 1,000 searches

 Staying motivated ➖ 970 searches

✳ Workplace pension ➖ 700 searches

✳ Workplace bullying ➖ 670 searches

✳ Writing good emails ➖ 550 searches

✳ Being professional ➖ 520 searches

✳ Dressing appropriately ➖ 380 searches

✳ Being anxious and stressed ➖ 350 searches

✳ Being organised ➖ 310 searches


What worries have your employees experienced and how as a business have you managed these?


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